Thursday, September 4, 2014


I am so excited that we started Othello today! In the classes leading up to it, I was a little worried because I haven't read Shakespeare in a while. But it felt very easy to get back into, and I can't wait to keep reading. I was also excited because Othello isn't a play I have heard much about. With Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, ect. it's easy to have some experience with it before reading it for the first time. It's pleasant to be able to experience a classic for the first time, without the stigma or prior knowledge of how it ends.

I'm also very excited to discover that the play's main protagonist is a person of color. While, yes, the utter racism portrayed absolutely breaks my heart, it is so amazing to see something like this coming from the 17th century. It also leaves me wondering if they got an actual person of color to play Othello. While I'm sure there is only racism and death ahead for our poor Othello, I can't wait to read the rest of it.

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