Friday, September 26, 2014

Meditation on Death

It has been quite a week for death. On Wednesday, I had to discover on Facebook that a friend has taken their own life. This morning, I find out that a friend has also lost their mother to the same cause. I can't even imagine what he must be going through. Death seems to be everywhere, even in English. It seems so unfair to me to have to study Othello's murder on a day like this. It is unfair that he believed taking Desdemona's life was just because of her "unfaithfulness", when people around the world are taking their own lives because they cannot find a reason to keep living. The fact that Othello takes the life of Desdemona, a pure, innocent, and joyful person, to save other men from her, angers me to the core. And I know that this is no fault of Shakespeare, or even my teacher for having us study this on such a difficult day. Heartbreak over Desdemona's death was what Shakespeare intended. But today was just not the day for it.

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