Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Over The Garden Wall

It is with my greatest pride and deepest pleasure that I introduce you to my latest obsession: Over the Garden Wall.

Over The Garden Wall is a Cartoon Network miniseries that has been airing all of this week. It follows the story of two brothers, Wirt and Greg, as they try to find their way out of a dark forest and back home. Wirt is a bit of a stick in the mud, and is constantly getting frustrated at his brother for running off and being silly. It gets in the way sometimes, but deep down Wirt truly loves his brother. Along the way they meet many interesting characters such as Fred the talking horse, (video)
some interesting pumpkin people, and a spooky woodsman who warns them to avoid the beast of the forest. Throughout their adventure, many of the people of the forest warn them of the beast. Will they ever find it? Will the beast find them? Will the boys ever get home? Go find out!

I do really encourage you to go watch this show. It'll only take out as much of your time as a movie would. The writing is amazing and very witty. When you think you've figured out what strange thing the boys are encountering, the writers pull the rug from underneath you with a creepy twist. I guarantee that you'll love it, and that's a rock fact!

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