Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Oh, my gosh. Hamlet is amazing! I'm so excited that we started it this week. I love the language and all of the sass that Hamlet is throwing down. I am in the perfect mood for reading this play. While it deals with some dark subjects (cough death, suicide cough) the darkness seems to go well with the stress of November. I feel like Hamlet's unrelenting sass is my constant attitude right now. He seems like such a moody teenager. I was very confused when I was informed that Hamlet was actually 30 years old. It seems very odd that a thirty year old man would be so grumpy and moody, not to mention still in college. It's also very interesting that he would still be at odds with his parents at this age. That always struck me as a thing that one would experience in their teens, but once they moved out and away from their parents, the resent would lessen. That is what usually happens, at least in current times. I have found in my experience, that twenty-somethings usually find at least some appreciation for their parents, or the teenage sass and angst dilutes as they grow older and more mature.
Perhaps Hamlet's reaction is reasonable. His mother did remarry very quickly, to her former brother-in-law. Hamlet is very outspoken in his rejection of this new marriage, even calling it incestious (I wasn't aware that this was frowned upon, I actually thought this was the custom so that the widowed woman was still taken care of). His uncle has also taken his thrown, although I'm not sure how much Hamlet wants it in the first place, and brutally insults him infront of the court. If I were still grieving the loss of my father, I might be inclined to be very sassy as well. 

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