Thursday, August 21, 2014

"Seeing Catch-22 Twice" - Maybe you should look again?

"Seeing Catch-22 Twice" was a very intriguing article to read. Ron Rosenbaum was able to craft a very relaxed, yet analytical piece regarding the novel and it's religious commentary. Rosenbaum wrote a respectable and well argued article. Except in one instance. Towards the end of the article, Rosenbaum cites the passage of the soldier who sees everything twice. "...for it's Marx Bros. Refusal of logic and the fact that everyone accepts it as logically as possible." Okay. That's agreeable. "...perhaps the thematic high point of the book, is Yossarian's astonishingly scathing denunciation of God." Wait. Back it up. Yes, I can agree that this passage can mean a number of things. But how this passage relates to Yossarian and Lt. Scheisskoph's wife's conversation about God, is beyond me. Rosenbaum fails to relate this passage's importance to the reader what so ever. He simply "connects" this passage to a more relevant one, and simply moves on. While I'm probably the only person who had this issue, please back up all of your claims Mr. Rosenbaum. I would love to be enlightened at where you saw this connection. 

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