Monday, December 8, 2014

Dead Week

One more week. Just one more week. This is the week of hell if there ever was one. We The People is on Saturday. The hopes I have for my team are so low. We're so screwed. There's no way that we can beat the other schools in our district competition. So, that's disheartening. Then, finals are next week. I'm not too worried about that. They should be pretty easy. Next week should be even better than this week, to be honest. I can invoke my finals tradition of studying until 8:30 and then relaxing for the rest of the evening. I have a whole week to make it through before that, though. Homework and finishing plays and answering long objective questions is not something I look forward to (not to mention Christmas shopping...).

I honestly just can't wait until We The People is over. I feel like my team is solid, two of our testimonies are really good. We have what we need to be able to rock this competition. The other groups on my team are another matter. Some of them have their stuff together, just like my group. Some of them do not. I honestly cannot see us knocking out one of the top three other schools and making it to the state competition. Those schools have established teachers, established programs, and they have something that works. They have a pretty long history of making it to nationals. I just don't see us making it. Not with where we're at.

I'm trying to be positive for this last week. If I just give in to this week being awful, I could certainly make it worse than it might be.

"It's Christmas! Let's be glad! Even if your life's been bad, there are presents to be had!"

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It's Christmas 1st!

In an attempt to get out of the November funk, I've been making myself listen to Christmas music. Christmas music always helps me to get into the mood of the season. This year I have expanded my horizons past my families normal Christmas music to something that's more to my liking. My first recommendation to you all is Relient K's holiday album "Let It Snow, Let it Raindeer" (have I mentioned that I love puns?). It features typical songs such as "The 12 days of Christmas", "Sleigh Ride" and what not, but it also has quite a few of their own songs. One of my favorites is "I Hate Christmas Parties" The next album that I would like to mention is "Songs for Christmas" by Sufjan Stevens. This also offers classic Christmas songs, but a few of his own. I really enjoy this album because he takes a very folksy approach to all of these songs. I am especially identifying with his song "It's Christmas! Let's Be Glad!". He also has another album that weeves in and out of holiday favorites, too absurd songs like "Mr. Frost" and "Christmas Unicorn". I highly recommend that you guys give those a look.